Princess Cut

Sometimes I do smile. But all the pictures I like of me smiling end up blurry. I must smile soo fast it is hard to catch on camera or something…

You have seen this dress here and here…but now you get to see close ups of the alterations I did!

I think this is the best walking shot I have ever taken via the self-timer. Hmmm, I may have found a new pose… the walking pose! hehe

For my makeup I went mascara-less. A look I don’t do often, but it just seemed to work with today’s look. (Although I do tend to go makeup-less more often in the summer because of allergies.)

On Saturday I went to the farmers market with a friend. I went with the intention of buying nothing, but perhaps fresh vegetables, but ended up treating myself to a couple pieces of jewelry. I haven’t bought myself stuff for several months actually, (besides these yardsale boots).

I was especially drawn to this piece, because of the boldness, princess cut, and the fact it is an amethyst. An amethyst is the ultimate healing stone, and is most recommended for stress. I thought it was perfect for me.

The shot below along with the walking shot are total model dupes. I am not a model, but I sure would have love to have been one. Thankfully keeping a blog is training me to become one. ;)

I am finally starting to get back into blogging mode! I still have been having a hard time keeping up with your blogs…but this week I should be able to fix that. I hope you all are well. Have you gotten any new jewelry pieces recently?

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7 responses

  1. I love that ring. I may have to fly to the US, just so I can borrow it, hehe. You look lovely in the pictures. The dress is beautiful, and your make up looks great.

  2. Well, you should smile more often because you have a beautiful smile (even if blurry). you have such a pretty and girly face, and this kind of dresses are perfect for you, so summery and fresh, love it!xx

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