Guest Post-Leia’s Delight

Guilty Pleasures starts off with: Leia from Leia’s Delight! She is not only extremely beautiful, with perfect hair, she is a sweet, caring and a passionate lady. The diversity of her blog is amazing, but my personal favorite is her Sunday Musings.

1.       What kinds of things you want people to know about you?

 Well, I would like my blog-readers to know that my life isn’t limited to all that I blog about. I fill my blog with pretty things and use it as a distraction from my every day life – some people may think I’m superficial because I blog about clothes and nails and flowers but that couldn’t be further from the truth!

2.       What is one philosophy on life you live by?

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Most people respond positively when you treat them with respect, honesty, and kindness.

3.       What is one goal you are currently working on for yourself or your blog?

I’m one of those people that always has a long list of goals! I don’t really have any goals for my blog, but for myself I am constantly trying to get healthier, to expand my mind (via reading, learning, etc.), to spend more time clearing out clutter, etc. But right now, my main goal is to start teaching piano – I haven’t had a job since before I started university, and I think it’s time to get back into teaching (and earning!).

4.       What is one of your guilty pleasures or obsessions?

Oh my gosh. There are so many! I should probably be embarrassed to share this, but I love cartoons. I guess I never really grew up! I just watched Despicable Me a few days ago, and loved it so much that I watched it again the next day. I’m also rather obsessed with TV and watch far too many shows!

5.       And lately my obsession has been people’s views on kids. So talk to me about kids, what do you think being a parent would be like?

You know, one of my high school friends just got married and had their first kid (he was born yesterday!), so I’ve actually been thinking quite a lot about what it would be like to have children. Firstly, I’m absolutely petrified of being pregnant – I’ve always had a fear of being fat and I’m scared I won’t be able to lose the baby weight, since most of the ladies in my family haven’t been able to. I’m also worried that I won’t eat the right things or live healthily enough while I’m pregnant, and I’m terrified of actually giving birth – the amount of pain I’m going to be in is already scaring me! Plus I’ve heard horror stories of body parts ripping and having to be stitched up again… ack!

However, pregnancy fears aside, I love the idea of having children. I’ve always adored little kids and think it would be absolutely wonderful to have two of my own! (Even though I know I shouldn’t be contributing to overpopulation…) I’m also worried I will be more of a ‘friendly’ mother than a ‘disciplining’ mother, which might be a bit of a problem, because I can’t stand rude, badly-behaved children!

6 responses

  1. What an incredible and sweet surprise!!!! I have the pleasure of working with Leia in a common project (couture cinco) and thanks to this project I have seen in person how wonderful Leia is, and how much of herself she puts on her blog. thanks for this interview!

  2. Ahhh one of my most favourite bloggers… people really. Oh Leia lovely… the cartoon love doesn’t go… I’m 41 and I still collect comics and watch animation!!

    Thank you Annie. Most wonderful to find out more about someone I adore!

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